quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

Betting On Brazil

Betting On Brazil

Link to Betting On Brazil

Brazil To Lend US$ 10 Billion to the IMF

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 08:00 PM PDT

In 1998, it was the other way around. The IMF was lending to Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, etc, etc. Now it is Brazil that is helping out the IMF and the "developed countries" and "over-indebted countries". Where is it safer to invest nowadays? Brasil anuncia empréstimo de US$ 10 bilhões ao...

Brazilian Stock Market World Record

Posted: 17 Jun 2009 07:29 AM PDT

Bovespa gained 124% this year, ranking first place, with the Philippines in second with 117%. Those who folllowed our advice and bet on Brazil, do not need to thank us, just deposit 2% of your gains to the charity of your choice in another website of ours, www.filantropia.org. Thank you.

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